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Please support my gofundme campagin trying raise money for photography business my goal is $3.000
Please support my gofundme campagin trying raise money for photography business my goal is $3.000
1Long time ago
Purpose for gofundme campagin is to rasie money for my photography business getting started in this field is not easy on top of them I am struggled photography so who see will support me and donate to my camgain.
Purpose for gofundme campagin is to rasie money for my photography business getting started in this field is not easy on top of them I am struggled photography so who see will support me and donate to my camgain.
1Long time ago
My  name is Paula Taylor I am photographer I am starting.gofundme campagin for photography business my goal is to raise $3.000 is will be use for my photography business it not easy in this field especially starting out with little money trying so hard to find the money get started so I will appreciated for donated to my gofundme campagin any amount will be find $5.00 or $10.00.it will help me get started . And thank you again so I can fellow my dreams to become a better photographer.
My name is Paula Taylor I am photographer I am starting.gofundme campagin for photography business my goal is to raise $3.000 is will be use for my photography business it not easy in this field especially starting out with little money trying so hard to find the money get started so I will appreciated for donated to my gofundme campagin any amount will be find $5.00 or $10.00.it will help me get started . And thank you again so I can fellow my dreams to become a better photographer.
1Long time ago
I am starting gofundme campaign for my photography business I am requesting $3.000
I am starting gofundme campaign for my photography business I am requesting $3.000
1Long time ago
2Long time ago
Here I am photographer looking for startup captial for my business.
Here I am photographer looking for startup captial for my business.
Long time ago
I am photographer working on a startup funding and a campagin for my photography.
I am photographer working on a startup funding and a campagin for my photography.
Long time ago
I am photography I am riseing startup captial for my photography business raising $3.000. I appreciated the help
I am photography I am riseing startup captial for my photography business raising $3.000. I appreciated the help
1Long time ago
My name is Paula Taylor this my first time doing gofundme request startup campagin for.my photography.
My name is Paula Taylor this my first time doing gofundme request startup campagin for.my photography.
Long time ago

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